To be honest, not a lot.
I’ve considered how to sum up each day as a question, and that absolutely nobody reads it. But I don’t mind. Part of the reason for that is that I purposely decided not to publicise each post on Facebook – when I did my 365 a few years ago, each post was placed on there and that generated more post views than I ever expected. The difference is stark and shows the power of a post on there.
Still, if I were to take anything from this year, it would be the number of photos that I am really happy with. I’ve chosen my favourite from each month below.
January: Day 17: What is Cleckheaton like in the snow?
I chose this because it seems such a long time ago – but also I love the geometry the telephone wires provide in this image.
February: Day 45: What is it like at Brimham Rocks in February?
This photo of Mrs Pitts is dramatic and joyful at the same time. I chose it because I had totally forgotten it existed!
March: Day 90: What is it like in Whitby?
March was a tough choice because of a trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park in Spring, which generated some lovely snowdrop photos. But in the end, I couldn’t resist these seagulls.
April: Day 113: How do you know you’ve nailed a printing technique?
April was also a difficult choice but because there were so few photos to choose from. This one came from quite an ironically titled post as I really don’t have 3D printing nailed at all. I do love the Heath Robinson style printer we have at work, inherited from another school, and this encapsulates that well.

May: Day 149: What are the animals like at Greenland Farm Village?
May also saw our first visit to RHS Harlow Carr, causing me a problem as there were so many photos to choose from there. Like this from Day 128: What is it like at RHS Harlow Carr in May?:
There there was this photo of Kit too (Day 152: Why would a cat stick its tongue out at you?):

June: Day 176: What is it like in Knaresborough?
This photo just feels very well framed for me. I love the way the train is crossing the bridge and is nicely centred.
July: Day 204: What is it like at Bradford Industrial Museum?
Machinery and cogs have always been fascinating for me. I adore the detail in this photo, but marvel at the whole machine.
July was another month with a lot going on. I couldn’t resist this one either from our second visit to RHS Harlow Carr (Day 197):
But there’s also this one from Ilkley Moor (Day 213):
August: Lyveden – Photo Gallery
There were plenty from August, given that we went on holiday and it contained a trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, but I couldn’t resist this dragonfly image. One of the photos I’m most proud of.
September: Day 247: What is it like at RHS Harlow Carr in early September?
As well as having many wonderful flower photos, I manage to capture this flapping mallard too at RHS Harlow Carr.
October: Day 283: What is it like at Sheffield’s Tropical Butterfly House, Wildlife and Falconry Centre?
This hard working ant was the product of a decent wait until I captured it at just the right time. Awesome.
There was also this wonderfully autumnal photo from Day 299: What is it like at Hardcastle Crags?
November: Day 308: How would you describe this person?
From another little project, Things Kids Write, this is an extra old adult.
December: Day 338: What is it like at RHS Harlow Carr in December?
An easy choice. I simply adore this inquisitive robin.
But then, I also love the lit up Fountains Abbey from Day 362: