For me, it is most probably my MaST dissertation – that being the Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher certification I gained four (?) years ago. Since then, I have written the odd piece for the TES (Times Educational Supplement) and reviewed mathematics schemes for an educational publisher, both of which ended up being heavily edited at the other end before use…
You may realise that I tend not to edit these blog posts in any way. They are often the last things I do in a day and, as such, end up littered with typing errors.
I would dearly love to create something a longer form than the work you see here. I have had a few ideas in the past but nothing has ever really stuck with me long enough to spur me to write.
It doesn’t help that I have a bit of a butterfly life, flitting from teaching to conducting, composing to playing, making websites to watching motor sport… Believe it or not, it fills up the time far too easily and there never really seems to be much in the way of ‘slack time’ to knuckle down and focus.
I would dearly love to make something like that, and hopefully will. One day.