I often let this site slip so far behind that I feel very neglectful of it.
My life has been turned, like The Fresh Prince’s was, upside down over the last year.
I have a new home, a new job, many personal changes – nothing feels the same. And yet, amazingly, it all feels better.
Work is difficult, different and provides me with many things to do outside of normal working hours. Whatever they are for a teacher. But I love the class I have, I’m getting used to the way the school works and things seem to be settling down. Although my list of things to do increases daily.
The new home, and it has taken a long time to get it to a place we are happy with, is fabulous. Certainly has our stamp on it in all but a few places we haven’t managed to fully tackle yet. This has taken the majority of the last few months – the last post here was just before we completed on the house so that tells you what it’s been like… hard.
The personal things will remain just that. But they have been difficult too.
Anyway, I shall try – and how many times have I written this – to write here more often.