Today has been a usual day of work, where very little happened overall, followed by a staff meeting and then home to work on more maths assessments. Year 2 was the focus of tonight. It is roughly 80% complete now and I expect to be able to complete it tomorrow. Still have Years 3 to 6 to do after this and know they are going to take up much of my time as they are needed for Monday…
Elsewhere, this infographic attempts to sum up all the main causes of deaths in the 20th Century. It makes for some interesting reading I feel.

Some interesting things to note:
- 117 million people were murdered
- 530 million people died from cancer
- 101 million people died through famine
- 1680 million people died from some kind of infectious disease (this can be broken down as 400 million from smallpox, 485 million people from a respiratory disease and 194 million from malaria among others)
- 298 million people died by accident (100000 people died in air crashes, 60 million people died via a road accident and 31 million people died in fires, for instance)
I find it hard to imagine that the same number of people who live in the UK now died in road accidents in the last century, but that’s what the data says. Have an explore, what stands out for you?
In other news, I didn’t get the pope job. That went to a 76 year old Argentinian bloke. At 30, maybe I’m just a lifetime too young still. And not Catholic.